Green Lady Mine – the Showdown

Paradoxides returns once more to the Green Lady Mine in Guria. The party clears out the goblins that have taken up residence. Paradoxides draws a line under his Green Lady Mine investment by selling the deeds to a dwarf in Guria.   Ref: B-67 OE Date: July 682 Characters: Paradoxides, Eormanric, Corrie, Lorandil NPCs: Real … Read more

Fire Giant

Grettir, Paradoxides and Lorandil take a small boat across the Otanga Estuary and explore the wild lands south of Akurr.  They are accompanied by Huscarles Giziar and Ingvar along with faithful Eargh Skolson.  They spot a cave in a cliff-face and surprise a Fire Giant in its lair.  It proves to be a lucrative hit.  … Read more

The Wyvern That Never Was

They never did find that wyvern they set off to track down.  They did find some trolls.  They were ambushed by forest trolls in the Wood of Itaen and tracked them back to their den for a further fierce fight and loot.   Ref: C-10 OE Date: June-July 685 Characters: Grettir, Paradoxides, Lorandil, Wilfred, Kolgrim … Read more

Do It The Hard Way

A man called Frizarian, who describes himself as a healer, hires Wilfred and a dwarf called Ranulf as bodyguards for himself and his ward, a young lady who he says is sick. They agree to escort them to his dwelling place in the badlands north of Sequarl and south of the West Otanga river.  The … Read more


On the night appointed, Yspadadden summoned the Night Wind and bade it carry him to the Nine Barrow Downe, there to meet with William the Marshall.  The Marshall awaited him there, armed and armoured and carrying a strange sceptre that the Dwarf could immediately tell was an ancient and eldritch artefact.  The Marshall greeted him … Read more

Top Cat

After the trading is done in the main port of Tabor, Grettir and the crew of the Kistin decide to take some rest and recuperation on the pleasant island and spend some time exploring its wild jungle interior.  Two discrete adventures ensue. A: Top-Cat  The party take a commission to aid a merchant, one Deinarion, … Read more

Score Draw

The trip starts with a slightly different line up returning to explore the magician’s lair from the previous expedition. Searching more carefully they discover a secret door, which leads to a chamber and an incubus, tied to a bed.  In return for freeing him, the incubus offers a great deal of information about Tersites, the … Read more