Vulcanheim Again

Nickar goes solo Plane Walking to test out an artefact.  This was filched from the party in B2 – substituted for an amulet that helped crops grow, forged by Nickar himself.   Ref: B-12c OE Date: April 678 Characters: Nickar.  NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1981 ; Where – Auchmithie

Apocalypse Now

A powerful group including Grettir, Ivar Nickar and a bunch of lesser sorcerors all with the power of flight go out looking for trouble.  They discover orc activity and track it back to a track up the side of a ravine in the mountains.  They can see the ravine further up is spanned by a … Read more

Pyramid Investigation

The party decide to return to the Great Pyramid in the Edgewere for a further investigation.  The entrance no longer presents a challenge and they penetrate the maze at the centre of the pyramid.  Ivar demonstrates the dwarven method with trapped doors – by kicking them down and absorbing whatever damage is handed out by … Read more

Hun in the Sun

Eggo is Wind-Walking a party including Nickar, Paradoxides, Grettir and his promising young huscarle, Giziar, to the north of Chittagong.  They spot a suspicious-looking mule-train heading into the Wilds.  Recently, Orcs all over the Chittagong region seem to be coming into possession of good weapons and armour of recent human manufacture.  There has been much … Read more

Hall of the Mountain Kings

The party reconnoitres a mountain in the middle of the Wood of Itaen.  They believe it to contain the home of a Mountain Troll.  After a lot of exploration – much of it by magic – they discover a secret door in the Mountain Peak.  Nickar, by his arts is able to peek inside.  He … Read more

The Search for the Sarn-Tur

The Mission A deputation of Elves approaches Grettir, Paradoxides, Gadan and Kinness with a highly dangerous mission to save the world. “So, just so I understand”, says Grettir, “If we have three Sarn Tur – these immensely powerful High Elven gems – we have half a chance of defeating the Ogri.  There were five, but … Read more

The Magnificent Seven

This was really two separate adventures with largely the same personnel. Part [A]: The Picking of Oglog’s Pocket Nickar has a cunning plan.  For many months he has been seeding the wilderness with gold pieces that he has magically marked and can track.  His hypothesis is that as they pass through the hands they will … Read more