Miscellaneous Adventures

The party, which includes many new to the adventuring scene, use Ktal’s riverboat, sailing up the River Rin and through the Wood of Itaen on a resupply run to Ringrond, as a base for a number of expeditions. They encounter trolls, undead and a wyvern.   Ref: B-15 OE Date: Spring 678 Characters: Clarence, Siabod, … Read more

Death of Urgin Axe-haft

Salrod leads a party comprised of the elf Eormanric, the dwarf Urgin Axe-haft, a Ranger called Eyvind and another gnome by the name of Corrie, into the wilderness.  Their encounters include a wild boar, a stag, and a harpy.  They clear out a goblin hole. Combat a Fire Giant.  In their last encounter, Urgin Axe-Haft … Read more


For the first time since the attempt on his life, Grettir leads an expedition into the wilds.  With him is his trusty retainer, Salrod.  They encounter two Griffins, a Fire Giant  – which seem mightily common this year – and a troll. Salrod obtains a magic helmet.   Ref: B-25 OE Date: September 678 Characters: … Read more

Lair of the Ice Wyrm

The adventurers return to the House of Bagurn. They easily dispose of the remnants of the orcs they find there and discover a disused passage leading below the ruined castle.  There they find an icy-breathed wingless dragon which they slay after a fierce struggle. It sits upon a hoard much of which seems to date … Read more

Four Trolls

Grettir leads an extended winter patrol to chase outlaws on western border of Sequarl. They track a forest troll and kill four trolls in the den they discover, garnering plenty of loot. Eldamar obtains a box that contains a beautiful magical crystal butterfly. They also encounter an unusual quantity of orcs, and note many orc … Read more

The Skerry Stone

Grettir undertakes a long voyage to the Skerry Stone.  The Skerry Sone is a seasonal trading depot far to the north where northern barbarians bring furs, amber and curios to trade with southern merchants for manufactured goods.  Grettir fits out a longship and buys a cargo cloth and metal goods including weapons and armour. His … Read more

The Hydra

Grettir takes a mounted patrol from Sequarl westwards along the great Black Rock Road.  They turn north and follow the West Otanga river to a body of water that they name the Lake of the Hippogriffs – because of the quantity of Hippogriffs they see there.  They fight off a River Serpent and discover a … Read more

Harvest Festival

Prince Aran, the heir to the Kingdom of Chittagong turns up to the Harvest festival and three weeks of feasting and martial games ensues. This is considered a great honour. Once the guests are gone Grettir is free to take a trip up the West Otanga, into the Edgewere on Ktal’s river boat. They fight … Read more