Winter of Discontent

One night around Yule an orcish arrow thunks into the main gate of Sequarl castle.  Wrapped around it is an invitation for the “Stone King” to come to a parley at Orc Rock, a well known landmark on the edge of Sequarl.  Grettir attends with a force of his men in case of treachery.  There … Read more

The Magnificent Seven

This was really two separate adventures with largely the same personnel. Part [A]: The Picking of Oglog’s Pocket Nickar has a cunning plan.  For many months he has been seeding the wilderness with gold pieces that he has magically marked and can track.  His hypothesis is that as they pass through the hands they will … Read more

Balchoth’s End

Rangers keeping watch over the orc movements in the Wood of Itaen report a large force of orcs and wolf-riders moving south towards Redhill, gargoyles flying above.  A party of elves is sent by Girindor to rouse the Westdale and Holmdale gnome settlements. While the rangers and elves track the enemy, Grettir assembles his forces … Read more