Wilderness Exploration

About 6 short adventures exploring the Sand Lands and the Valley of the Kings. The loot includes a Wand of Petrification which unfortunately has to be traded to a Chittagong Magician’s Guild Master called Llangwellan the Blue, in return for de-petrification services. Ref: A2 OE Date: 672 Characters: Sho Rembo, Grettir, Silden, Aradan, Frekki, Gerindar, … Read more

Return to Chittagong

Grettir recruits another young berserker called Clarence Fairweather and hooks up with some old comrades: Ivar Forkenbeard, Silden (a Dwarven priest), Gerindar (an Elven druid)  joins the group. It is a stronger party now and they get the better of encounters with hippogryphs and harpies. They return to Chittagong to divide up the loot.  A … Read more

Voyage to the Ivory Coast (and back)

Yog the Beast and Kiness the Cunning buy and fit out a small cog and take a voyage to the Ivory Coast, way to the south. They hire a professional helmsman called Orr Half-ear and recruit a large and multifarious crew that includes Grettir, the berserkers Eric, Clarence, Grunt and Brodin as well as the … Read more

Tomb of the Old Chiefs

A trip to the Sandlands. Apart from the eponymous Tomb, the party encounter giant ticks, forest trolls and a hill giant. Ref: A15 OE Date: Summer 675 Characters:  Sho Rembo, Grettir, Marna, Silden, Frekki, Dorlas, Shizarem.  NPCs: Gadan Real World: When – Autumn 1980 (1st Term); Where – St Andrews The expedition is taken out … Read more

Return to the Lodge of Hakkar the Swift / Grettir’s Wedding

This was really two separate trips with slightly different personnel. The initial trip is a re-exploration of the lodge of Hakkar the Swift (see A6). The next trip takes place on the eve of Grettir’s wedding to Kisten the middle daughter of Yithmak the White, Lord of Sequarl. At his betrothal, Grettir had been presented … Read more

The Sequarl Dungeon

Sometime after Grettir’s nuptuals, the party return to the exploration of the secret dungeon under Sequarl. This time they go with the blessing of Yithmak, who is no fool and negotiates a half share of everything found down there along with all artefacts associated with the House. They discover the Old Imperial Treasury of the … Read more

Mountain Troll

The party encounter a fearsome mountain troll and despite its speed, strength, cunning and viciousness manage to slay it.  Most of the damage is done by Grettir, Aradan and Silden.   Ref: A23 OE Date: Late Winter 677 Characters: Grettir, Aradan, Marna, Larna, Frekki, Silden.  NPCs: Eargh, Huron Real World: When – 2nd Term 1981 … Read more


Expeditioning once more on Sequarl’s western marches, the party encounter two trolls. They slay one and track the other to its den where it took dies.  The party then return to Sequarl Castle to examine the considerable quatities of loot. Back at Sequarl Aradan suddenly decides to quaff a potion from the loot. Perhaps he … Read more