The Draugr
The party is commissioned by a rich farmer to deal with a troublesome draugr. Ref: B-29 OE Date: November 678 Characters: Gerindar, Siabod, Svein, Horic. NPCs: Real World: When – 2nd Term 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Winram Place)
The party is commissioned by a rich farmer to deal with a troublesome draugr. Ref: B-29 OE Date: November 678 Characters: Gerindar, Siabod, Svein, Horic. NPCs: Real World: When – 2nd Term 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Winram Place)
The party go out in the depths of winter and collect a lot of furs. They fight some outlaws, a werewolf and a small orc warband. Ref: B-32 OE Date: January 679 Characters: Eldamar, Alverion, Siabod, Ezam, Dathan, Svein, Corrie NPCs: Real World: When – 2nd Term 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (Warsoc)
Eormanric retains a Chittagong Sage at great cost to research ancient imperial sites that might offer up plunder. The Sage directs him to the (well known) Sunken Marsh City of Yarr, some days march beyond the southern boarder of Sequarl, along the trade route to the Sand Lands. It is spring of the hottest year … Read more
Paradoxides sails his faering up the North Otanga. The party encounter ogres and a draugr. Despite his brand-new mail shirt, Svein is slain by the draugr. Ref: B-48 OE Date: May – 680 Characters: Paradoxides, Svein, Eochan. NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1982 ; Where – St Andrews (The Pit)