The Heist

The group is joined by a dwarf called Urgin Axehaft and an elven fighter-magician called Tilissiril.  The encounter bandits, wolves and pull off a heist.   Ref: B-5 OE Date: November 677 Characters: Banthil, Tilissiril, Rigon, Bremmin, Alberic, Urgin Axehaft.  NPCs: Real World: When – Summer 1981 (WedCon 1); Where – St Andrews (Whitehill Terrace)

The Death of Grunt Monoslab

The party’s sleep is disturbed by a grim draugr. The berserker, Grunt Monoslab is the only one with the magic weapons to fight the draugr effectively.  He cuts it down but is mortally wounded in the process.  The party do little to succour their fallen comrade, but instead the loot his cooling body.  Grunt is … Read more

Kolvar’s Tomb

The party is joined by a newcomer.  Spjallbodi is a genial giant of a man and an Odin Priest. Exploring the wilderness beyond the Chittagong cultivated lands they discover a slab of inscribed stone set in a cliff that marks the Tomb of Kolvar, a hero of ancient times, known for slaying fell beasts at … Read more

Seahorse Isle

Grettir outfits a sloop, the Kisten (named for his wife), for a voyage to Cos. He hires an experienced crew including a marine called Atelius and a beautiful, multi-skilled rogue called Shazza.  He appoints one of his huscarls, a grizzled veteran of the sea with a shady past called Harman, as sailing master. After battling … Read more

The Return of Agent Orange

The party are in Tyros once more.  First order of business is to return to the spot where the Kistin foundered.  Paradoxides deploys his arts to summon Elementals to aid him in raising the ship and sailing it to Lyra. Whilst repairs are made in the harbour there, the party venture inland to explore the … Read more

The Black Sword

After the frustrations of the previous couple of trips (D19), Grettir gathers a stronger party with the intention of returning to the Orc Mound.  As well as his huscarles Adhils and the rune-wise Kolgrim, the sorceress Tilissiril and the rogue magician Banthil join the team.  However, an initial reconaissance reveals that the enemy too are … Read more

Kur Captive and the Inland Sea

Nickar sends word that he has skryed Kur in Giant’s Pass.  Grettir scrambles a team comprising Salrod, Girindor, Banthil and Tilssiril, along with his armour bearer Eargh Skolson.  Nickar teleports them to his scrying location in the pass, set up in D23.  There are two Kur, plainly on a hunting expedition, who have set up … Read more