Stelgano’s Tower

The players assault a wizard’s tower in the wilderness. They defeat the wizard’s hirelings and loot the wizard’s library. The wizard – Stelgano – escapes.   Ref: B-68 OE Date: August 682 Characters: Paradoxides, Jason, Eormanric, Dathan, Trevillion, Varnis  NPCs: Real World: When – 1st Term 1983 ; Where – St Andrews (Warsoc)

An Iron Axe and a Gold Bar

Grettir and his friends root out a den of wolves and werewolves in a cave in the Wilds. At the back of the cave they find a secret door.  This leads to a dwarven bolt hole – an emergency refuge. Exploring this small space they discover an undead dwarven hero who plainly took refuge there … Read more


The party take a boat and explore a ruined Imperial castle near the swamp city of Yarr, known as Taras. One of Grettir’s huscarles goes along for extra muscle and sailing skills.  They find hostile troglodytes everywhere.  They do some mapping then return to Chittagong.  They take casualties who need the attentions of the Surgeon’s … Read more

Elven Spy Network

Some elves are trying to identify orc-trading routes in the Dearth Wood. Much lurking around. Failure to achieve much. The trip ends with an argument between Wilf and Trevillion that leads to a formal duel. Trevillion loses and is badly wounded in the leg, leaving him with a permanent limp.   Ref: B-73 OE Date: … Read more

Events at the Tower

With the developing orc-menace in the west, Grettir decides to build a new Tower to guard the northwestern approaches to Sequarl.  He hires a crew of dwarves to build it and the King in Chittagong, who approves the project, sends several wagon loads of stone and a mangonel.  It is ready by the end of … Read more

Cock on the Block

Grettir turns his attention to the haunted marsh of Redmere and the pink granite mine that was rumoured once to have been a rich source of income for Sequarl.  They cross the marsh without great alarums and locate the old quarry workings.  There they encounter the cause of all the hauntings – a demon in … Read more

The Giants’ Castle

Yspadadden has a cunning plan to recover Gore Raver. Gore Raver was the axe dropped by Silden when he transformed into a werebear and ate the gnome (B22) back in 678.  It was presumed to have been picked up by the Fire Giant they were fighting at the time.  The axe was a powerful Dwarven … Read more