An Iron Axe and a Gold Bar

Grettir and his friends root out a den of wolves and werewolves in a cave in the Wilds. At the back of the cave they find a secret door.  This leads to a dwarven bolt hole – an emergency refuge. Exploring this small space they discover an undead dwarven hero who plainly took refuge there … Read more

Hot Ice for Old Rope

The party mounts a reconnaissance with disposable horses up into the Edgewere. They slay a Kur that proves to have five uncut diamonds in its pouch, carrying an adamantine angon and axe. They then fight off a number of Snow Trolls, taking pelts and blood for alchemical purposes. There then ensues a great deal of … Read more

Hunting the Frost Giant

Responding to reports of a Frost Giant terrorising farmhouses in western Sequarl, Grettir takes some of his top huscarles, along with Eric the Bow as a tracker and his armour bearer Eargh Skolson to investigate.  It is still winter and the snow lies thick on the ground.  Taking an idea from the recent Orcish attack, … Read more

Sleigh Force

Grettir speaks to the High Council about the Ogri threat and gives a report on the orc attack on the North-West Tower.  He is supported by the King and various measures are set in train for the defence of the realm.  The costs of these are largely borne by the Crown and by the Lords … Read more

Sleigh Army

Grettir decides to help his Serguilin allies.  He musters a large force to attack an orc den that the elves have identified in the Dearthwood. It is April but the snow still lies thickly upon the ground so Grettir mounts his force upon sleighs so they can arrive quickly and surprise their foes.  They crush … Read more