A trip to the Sandlands. Apart from the eponymous Tomb, the party encounter giant ticks, forest trolls and a hill giant.
Ref: A15
OE Date: Summer 675
Characters: Sho Rembo, Grettir, Marna, Silden, Frekki, Dorlas, Shizarem. NPCs: Gadan
Real World: When – Autumn 1980 (1st Term); Where – St Andrews
The expedition is taken out of the time line (for reasons now obscure) and back-dated to Summer 675.
I have a feeling this might be when Dorlas died – I seem to remember it was in a fight in a tomb that he was badly wounded.
Uniquely, the Tomb of the Old Chiefs Revisited (a15) takes place out of the chronological sequence and before the Voyage to the Ivory Coast (a14). It is possible Dorlas died here and not on the Voyage. If so the hapless healer would have been the druid Shizarem.